Get involved at St. Mark and support our ministry in the community. Here you will find areas that need a helping hand or two.

Volunteers Needed:

Handbell Choir is looking for new ringers! New Director Krista Ketterer is seeing interested people to join the St. Mark Handbell Choir. Rehearsals are Mondays at 7pm. You don’t have to read music! Contact Krista 810-287-3581 with questions.

Adopt-An-Area is still looking for a few more people for areas #8 (trim shrubs and spray weeds along Luther room wall), #9 (trim shrubs and spray weeds along west wall of church under brick cross), #12 (spread mulch around maple trees. Can get credit or get reimbursed by church??) Contact Carol Muhl 810-736-7973

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 8-12 is looking for adult and youth volunteers to help and guide children through the week of learning about Jesus at our Scuba themed VBS. 9am-noon. Contact Krista Ketterer 810-287-3581 or Maureen Callahan 810-288-7159


Donations Needed:

Orphan Grain Train - Michigan. Donations of clothing and other small items can be placed in barrels by the church entrances. Ask Martha Kellaway or see flyers in the hall by the coat rack about items most needed.

St. Mark will also serve as regional collection center for Orphan Grain Train - Michigan! This allows them to expand their collection into the Flint region. Flint area churches will have a place to “empty their barrrels”. When enough donations are gathered from area churches, they will be taken to their main warehouse by truck from St. Mark!

The church is seeking gently used flannel sheets, regular sheets, light weight blankets and cotton or cotton ply fabrics. Contact Diane Webb for questions 810-744-0915